Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Discussing The Importance Of Choosing The Right Domain Name For Your Website

Choosing the name for your domain name (your web address or URL) is worth taking a great deal of time and research to ensure you get the right name. When you name your child you don't rush out and name him the first name that pops into your head, you take time and think about it, and even then whilst you may like the name, often the child doesn't.

You need to spend the same time and care that you take in naming your child, in choosing your domain name. I understand these days all the short names have either been taken up, or are extremely expensive to buy, and it is also important that you don't take a name that people may well mistake for something else or infringes copyright or trademark.

Choosing the right domain name is as important as choosing the right niche, the right product, the right keywords, and the right content. You can have a great website, great niche, packed with the right products, and full of great content, but if no-one can find you on the Internet, because your domain name is wrong, than it has all been a dreadful watt of your time and money.

If you are selling products in a particular niche, and if you can get a keyword that describes your niche into the domain name, and if that name can as the TLD, or top level domain, then you are on a winner. I understand however that it is always best to try and get ending as that is what sticks in peoples mind when they are looking for you in the search engines. If your website is about a particular niche, and you can't find a short keyword as a domain name, then do have what is called a longtailed keyword, which just means a few words or short phrase, so long as it describes what the content is all about.

One thing to watch out for is that the domain name is easy to type. I have a website up and the domain name irritates me, as I am always making typing errors. Why I ever thought that was a good name I don't know, and to make things worse it is longer than it needed to be.

It is said that using a country TLD,, is not advisable unless you are only wanting to reach people in that particular country, but I haven't found that true, as I have on a website for a particular subject, the domain was the question that I wanted people who were asking that question in Google to find. But I could only as the TLD for it. To make things worse, Google hasn't indexed it, but people from all over the world are finding it, so if you are wanting a particular name and can't get the, and can only get or the country you want, if you have the right content, people will find you but it may take a little time. I found that this site had very few visitors at first, however it's only been going two months and already there are between 150 - 200 visitors a day.

Getting the right domain name is the key to your website, and should suggest what your website is all about. If you register your domain name separately to your web host you will have more control over your website. If you aren't happy with your web host you can always transfer to another web host. There are various registrars you can use to register your domain name, Namecheap is my favourite, GoDaddy is another one I have used, but there are many others and a Google search will bring up a list.

There is one other thing to consider, some people say that if you are promoting a product that you want to incorporate the product name into your domain name, other people say that is a recipe for disaster. I don't think it does any harm to incorporate the product into your domain name, especially if you are fortunate enough to have 'review' tacked on, or something of a similar ilk, because it will help in getting your website more highly ranked. But putting hyphens or numbers into the domain name can make that name harder to give over the phone, and can create mistakes or confusion over it.

That concludes this article about the importance of choosing the right domain name, I do hope it has been of benefit to you.

Domain Privacy   Domain Monitor - How to Catch an Expiring Domain   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   Tips for Choosing A Perfect Domain   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   

Domain Name Overpriced And Over-Rated

A domain name can be worth a lot of money. However, do you know that many domain names are actually overpriced and over-rated?

How is a domain priced in the first place?

1) Branding - This is, perhaps, the most important factor when it comes to pricing a name. A brand is very important because it determines the commercial value of a website. A name with a reputable brand can generate revenue. People buy from the website because they trust the brand. In other words, if you have an old domain that many people already know about, you may be sitting on a goldmine.

2) Keyword rich - A website is nothing without targeted traffic. As we all know, keyword rich domains are easier to rank in the search engines. For this reason, names with the exact keyword phrases in them can be worth a lot of money. If you pick a very popular keyword and manage to register a domain for that phrase, you may end up selling the name for thousands of dollars.

3) Potential - Every name has got some kind of potential. If it's a domain that's related to a highly profitable niche, you are in luck! The name can be worth a lot of money. Many people sell domains based on potential alone.

4) Back links - SEO can be an expensive affair when it comes to link building. You may need to spend a lot of money building back links to a website if it's new. So some people actually prefer to buy an old domain that already has some back links pointing to it. These links are worth money. They are often incorporated into the value of the name during a sale.

5) Page Rank - Page rank is Google's way to depicting an authority website. A domain with a high page rank commands a higher price because the owner can sell links and make money with it.

The key problem with valuing a domain is that it's very hard to measure the name in monetary terms. After all, it's just a URL sitting there and not earning any income. Everything is based on assumptions. But what if the assumptions are inaccurate?

That is when domain names get overpriced. Always eager to sell the names for a higher price, these name owners exaggerate the potential of these URLs. They even use web based tools to help them inflate their valuations. Don't fall for such schemes.

When assessing a domain, use your common sense. Ask yourself if it makes good business sense to invest money in the name. A new domain cost just $10 to register. So if you are asked to fork out hundreds or even thousands of dollars for an aged domain, do think twice before putting down good money.

Domain Privacy   Domain Monitor - How to Catch an Expiring Domain   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   Tips for Choosing A Perfect Domain   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   Finding a Short, Easy to Remember Domain Name - It's Possible!   

Registering a Domain

Once you find or concoct a domain name that's acceptable to you it will need to be registered in order for you to get space on a server, or web hosting.

You can find an official registrar by using your favorite search engine. There are many benefits to using a registrar that offers extension; by using that extension you let people know immediately where your business or service is located and you will attract more focused traffic.

Once you decide on a registrar you will need to enter the name of your domain, being sure to follow the registrar's rules about name length and format. The registrar's site will let you know if your domain name is already in use. If so, you can make changes until you have the name you want, or close to it, one that is unique from all other domains on the internet.

You can then register the name, pay the filing fee and search for web hosting for your new domain.

You may wonder why you have to register your domain. Registration isn't just another bureaucratic hoop to jump through but is meant to prevent confusion. If someone is looking for your website and there are hundreds of others with the exact same name there is little chance that they will be able to find you in that mess! It would be like looking for the house of a friend and finding the right street only to see that every house looks the same on the outside and they all have the same street number. Registering domain names and insuring that each name is unique keeps chaos on the internet at a minimum.

Registrars are all part of CIRA, the Canadian Internet Registration Authority. They are responsible for assigning blocks of addresses and other organizational internet tasks. They also protect the public by requiring the listing the registrant, technical contact and administrator information and server information.

Once you pay the registration fee your domain is your sole property for one year. When the year is up you will have to pay the fee again or surrender the domain name, something many people do accidentally and sometimes purposefully.

You will then need to find a web host. Some registrars offer web hosting on their servers, which might be convenient for you as long as they have the resources you need. Some entrepreneurs choose free hosting because of budget constraints but those hosts often require that the websites show ads in exchange for the hosting. This might not be a good idea if you think your traffic would be annoyed at random, unfocused ads.

You domain is yours for as long as you pay the annual fees. Be careful, however, that you're paying the right entity. Some unethical registrar services will send you emails telling you it's time to renew. If it's not from the registrar you registered with, ignore it; they do this to trick you into transferring control of your domain to them. Pay attention to details and you'll be able to enjoy and profit from your domain as long as you wish. If you are based in Canada you may want to consider

Domain Privacy   Domain Monitor - How to Catch an Expiring Domain   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   Tips for Choosing A Perfect Domain   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   Finding a Short, Easy to Remember Domain Name - It's Possible!   

How To Get Your Blog's Domain Name And Hosting For CHEAP

This is the best way to get a domain name for cheap. This is for blogger. I have since moved over to Wordpress and I love it however if you are a mom looking for another alternative to paying $50-$60 to host your own domain for your blog this may be a great solution.

When I first started to blog I was using blogger. When I found this little tip I was so happy I shared it with others and some had not heard of this method so I really wanted to share it with you.

Many mom bloggers want a more professional appearance. If you are one of those I'm sure you are thinking that you really need a domain name. Well I just stumbled on the easiest and as far as I can tell the cheapest way to accomplish that task.

I've shared this with a few people and they didn't even know it was possible. So it is possible, not only that but I've done this with my blog.

I was looking at hosting options and that is how I discovered this gem. This is the most amazing option because what if you don't feel like keeping your name for 3 years or paying $50 - $60 just to get a Well thanks to blogger you don't have to.

I could write the instructions all out but this link below will show you exactly what to do. Not to mention blogger has a snazzy video to help you. Well OK it's no so snazzy but it will help you. Once you click the link you should see a box that says

What would you like to do?

Buy a custom domain through blogger Host my blog on a URL I already own.

You will click buy a custom domain.

I'm assuming you'd like to get your URL and this is why your checking out this article. Lets look here what you would do is click buy a custom domain and in the box that says check availability put your name and see if it's available. If it is you can have your dot com!

Cool huh? So click the link below, follow the easy instructions, and with $10 paid to Google checkout in a day or so your site will be redirected to your own personal dot com and you can look professional like the other top mom bloggers!

Domain Privacy   Domain Monitor - How to Catch an Expiring Domain   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   Tips for Choosing A Perfect Domain   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   

Do You Need a Good Domain Name to Make Big Money?

Domain names may be somewhat important to the survival and the success of your website, but they will not automatically make you a success. They are actually a very small part of your success in the grand scheme of things, so do not buy into the idea that a good domain name will translate to big money. For one, there is only one way that the domain itself can earn anything without help from other areas of the business, and that way is by securing a name catchy enough and in high enough demand to coax a big offer from a company with deep pockets. But major companies have started to change the way that they do Internet business. They have become more practical, and have even been known to develop marketing platforms that will incorporate a new original domain name to get around having to pay you anything at all.

No, the best option, if you are an Internet entrepreneur, is to spend less time on what you are going to name your site, and more time on how you will conduct your business. There are many ways to do business, but in the online world, the key to success is mercifully simple. It's the content, stupid. How will you get a large audience if you do not have a quality piece of content to draw in the masses and get them talking to their friends and family. You need devoted visitors, who are willing to do the hard work for you. The way to get them is to be enthusiastic about what it is that you are about. And the only way to be enthusiastic is to be passionate.

You cannot fake passion. The reason you can't is that your audience has the passion, and they will be able to tell if you do not. So make sure you don't go into any business situation that you do not feel strongly about. It will be more difficult developing content - and more costly developing good content because you'll have to pay someone, who is passionate to spearhead your platform, and that will not come cheap if you want quality.

As you venture into the online world, you are going to hear a lot of business advice, both good and bad. The one thing you should know ahead of time is that throwing a lot of money after a domain name is a waste of time and resources. Instead of burning so many calories over that aspect of the business, focus your efforts on having a great site that people in your area of interest will want to visit. Something they will choose to go to bat for with the people around them.

Domain Privacy   Domain Monitor - How to Catch an Expiring Domain   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   Tips for Choosing A Perfect Domain   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   Finding a Short, Easy to Remember Domain Name - It's Possible!   

What Is Domain Name Propagation?

Like any industry, the domain name and web hosting sector has its own peculiar jargon. Among the terms is "DNS propagation" or "domain name propagation". So what is it and how do you handle it?

The term is usually used in relation to when you update the nameservers of your domain name, that is, the address of the hosting service to which it points.

When you change hosts or open a hosting account for the first time and update your domain's nameserver details, it can take some time for the change in details to spread throughout the Internet. This timeframe is sometimes referred to as the "DNS propagation window".

DNS stands for Domain Name System. It is basically the Internet's address book; operating quietly behind the scenes to translate human readable domain names to IP (Internet Protocol) numerical addresses and vice-versa.

After you move your web site to your new web host, there will be a period when depending on where a visitor is viewing the site from, they might see it on the new server, or the old one - and it can even bounce back and forth between the two.

How long this goes on for is unfortunately out of the hands of the registrant of the domain, the domain name registration service and the web host as it depends on when ISPs (Internet Service Providers) refresh their DNS caches; which will be at different times. In some parts of the world, it will take just minutes, in others much longer - up to 24 to 36 hours.

This is why it's really important when you change hosting providers to keep the account and site on your previous host live for at least a few days. If it's a forum or blog you are shifting over where user input is stored in a local database; it may be wise to turn off posting during this period to ensure new content isn't posted to the old database.

It's also a good idea to warn your users and customers of what is about to occur in advance - after all, things can go wrong and an uninformed customer can be a cranky one.

Additionally, continue checking your email accounts on the old server for few days; or better still, set email to forward from those accounts to another address you have access to that isn't associated with your domain name.

So, how do you tell when DNS propagation is completed? There are many free tools available online to determine this - try running a search on Google for the term "dns propagation checker" and you'll have a pick of dozens.

These tools simply check the IP (Internet Protocol) address associated with a hostname from various servers around the world. If all the IP's are the same for 24 hours and it is the IP of your new account or hosting provider; then you'll know for sure things have settled and it's safe to close your old hosting account.

Domain Privacy   Domain Monitor - How to Catch an Expiring Domain   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   Tips for Choosing A Perfect Domain   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   

How To Buy A Good Domain Name And Start Your Online Business

Buying a good domain name and starting your online business can really free you up to pursue the life you have always dreamed of pursuing. If you are a person, who has reservations about getting your business going, then you need to start here to take the first steps needed. Finding a good domain name for purchase can be challenging work, but it is also very rewarding if you know where to look and what to look for. Of course, you could always try to figure one out on your own, but why start from scratch when you can build on the successes and learn from the failures of those, who have gone before you.

First things first before you get going. You are going to need a reliable web hosting company that keeps the most up to date listings of what is on the market and what has sold. You need a host that can give you the tools and information necessary to determine whether or not the domain name will be a wise purchase for the implementation and the growth of your business. The information that you need to be on the lookout for is as follows: current amount of visitors to the domain name, any sales, traffic and content history that may be useful in relaunching and taking the site in the direction you would have for it to go, and any advertising revenue that has been previously generated by the domain name itself.

The sales, traffic and content history is extremely important, because, if you are not starting from scratch, you want something that has the potential to be a moneymaker, and you want to be able to offer a fair price that is advantageous to your budget. By targeting sites with a somewhat successful past, you can see where the current owner went right and where they went wrong, and it can ultimately help you to construct a viable business plan over what the past reveals. Advertising revenue is also a big deal because, again, it gives you a starting point from which you can build on the site and learn from the past missteps.

Once you have this information, you also have the info you need to construct an intelligent offer that will be beneficial to you and your company. If you wish to know how to buy a good domain name and start your online business, the steps above are what you must do to make the best decision for your business. Once you are up and running, you can then connect with the previous audience and grow numbers from there with your own fresh ideas and techniques that are sure to keep you in business for years to come.

Domain Privacy   Domain Monitor - How to Catch an Expiring Domain   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   Tips for Choosing A Perfect Domain   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   

How to Register the Perfect Domain Name for Your Business

Registering or purchasing a domain name for your business, a comprehensive guide.

How to secure a good domain name for your business.

If you aren't already sold that your business should have a page on the Internet, well frankly-it should. Assumingly, you are already convinced of this, as everyone around you, even the local hole-in-the-wall drycleaner has a website these days it seems. Well all websites start with a domain name, and getting a good one, and without being ripped off is a must. Here's how:

First understand the difference between buying a domain name, and purchasing web hosting. The domain name is your address to access your website, you must get hosting to accompany it, but there is much more to be said about buying the domain name itself. Hosting is the actual space where your website is stored, and it is usually bought with the domain name, although you can certainly buy a domain name without having to get hosting. I won't discuss hosting here.

Domain names, being very limited as there is only one of whatever name you want, suggests that you should purchase the name immediately even before you are ready to make your website, at least you will have reserved the name for yourself.

When making the decision of purchasing a domain name for your businesses website, don't rule out the possibility of securing more then one domain name. Names can be had for cheap these days, under twenty dollars at all the major domain registrars for a yearly renewal.

Where to begin:

Start by securing the exact name of your business, preferably format, and do what you can to get it-up to a point. If you are a pizza restaurant called Rick's Pizza, surely you should check the availability of, this can be done with a WHOIS is good. But if someone owns it and is asking $8000 for it, you likely won't see how to justify the price. The domain owner will be especially demanding if they are aware how badly you need the name, so if you make an offer think about how to go about this. More on this in a bit. But if getting your dream domain isn't an option because of the price, instead you could try a different TLD-the domain ending- like, Dotcom is best however, so it is recommended that instead you may try adding a word to version,, etc.

Some general tips for "domain storming" a name, aim for the following:

Try to keep your name short: names can be up to 63 characters in length, and yours should be nowhere near that. Be descriptive: Use relevant keywords if it makes sense, like "" for example if you are a clothier. Be catchy: If you want to make up a nonsense name even, try a web 2.0 name generator like: This worked for major webstart ups Joomla and Drupal for example Avoid trademarks in your name, as you don't need the liability. Avoid hyphens in the name-unless happen to be doing business in Germany where they prefer this! Avoid numerical digits in the domain, this is confusing when people hear the domain name-say over the radio-and assume "5-0" was "FiveZero" Be sure it's a name you don't have to spell out for people. for example has had that problem since day one, spoken on the radio for example, no one knows it's missing the "e". Consider misspellings: If your business is popular enough, or especially if it has a popular misspelling in the name, register different variations of how your name can be spelled. Note as a very mainstream example that links to because they recognized the lost traffic they'd have received otherwise to people who cant spell "Google."

You may want to consider purchasing more then one domain to take advantage of domain forwarding-where one domain points to another. So again, if you are "Ricks Pizza", don't just get "" maybe get "" as well. People might type such terms into a search engine or even directly into the URL bar, and having those particular names forwarded to your main website would be very beneficial. Web registrars, where you register your name can certainly help you with that.

The single most important tip for securing a domain is to make sure the domain name has an auto-renewal, otherwise you can loose your domain to public auction and have to pay big to get your own name back, don't let this happen to you by keeping your name locked at it's registrar, and with auto-renewal set and a healthy credit card on file.

Although not necessary, consider getting your domain name in other extensions as well, (TLDs as they are called) but like anything else, don't go overboard. If you are a multinational business start up called Widget co. then by all means, purchase other ccTLDs-or Country Code Top Level Domains- such as,, There are numerous ccTLDs, many that make no sense for any one to get, and all have different rules and regulations for getting them. There is a good list of them available here:

Understanding Sub-Domains and when to register additional names: If your business has major sub categories, you can get a sub domain for free typically. For example, in: "this" is the subdomain. On a similar note, if your business is constantly making new products or services, consider registering the domain name for these things as well, and forwarding that name to the appropriate section on your main website. It would be like if McDonald's® owned and forwarded that to their homepage. This way you own the e-real estate on something without the risk of it being taken up by someone else.

Using domain tools to help you find a good name: is a great place to start as it offers the most comprehensive guide I am aware of for searching for domains like availability search, generating random words, keyword tools, brand name generators, and more Quickly search for domains containing popular search terms. Perfect for finding your next keyword rich domain. Browse expiring domains by the date. Another good domain name generator.

Actually buying the name, when you find the one you want.

If you have done a WHOIS search, and your domain name is available, then you can be the first person to register it, otherwise you will have to buy it from someone in the secondary market. But for an available name to you to register, I recommend any of the following: NameCheap Name 1&1 Ghandi

These are all large (read: good customer service), affordable, and well suited for getting web hosting with to accompany your name.

Be forewarned, when you register a domain name, it can be a confusing process, largely in part to all the up-selling the registrar will offer you (I'm looking at you GoDaddy) but the good news is, that you don't need almost any of it. The only thing I'd recommend is that if you feel you need it, then you should purchase privacy protection. Anyone who registers a domain name has their information listed publicly in the "WHOIS" database, unless you purchase the privacy protection.

Negotiating for a name in the aftermarket:

If your name was unavailable, don't give up hope. You can still contact the owner directly through a WHOIS search, or by searching for it on a domain name aftermarket site like,, or Always contact the domain owner and ask them if they domain name is for sale. Don't under any circumstances make an offer though. The first person to name a price in a negotiation is the looser as they say.

Hide your identity if possible when negotiating to buy a domain name, as sometimes who you are can drive the price up. If Apple® needed to buy a domain name for one of their new products, you better believe they are not going to email you from their own address, they are going to get some non-descript email address to solicit you from posing as a regular Joe.

Keep in mind about domain name values, and avoiding getting ripped off: Although there are general guidelines to a domain names value, it is very subjective, and anyone selling you their domain name is likely going to command as much money as they possibly can for it, making offers you make difficult. Although a full explanation of domain valuation is beyond the scope of this article, some key valuation metrics include: domain length (the shorter the better), keywords, existing traffic-especially type-in traffic (traffic a name gets without SEO or advertising)- and even brandability.

Another good way to get a feel for domain name valuation is simply to literally examine the market for what they go for, this can be done by visiting where many aftermarket domain sales are published each week.

Tying up some loose ends after you buy your first domain name:

It is recommended that whether or not you buy your name as an initial registration-or in the aftermarket-that you set the domain to an auto-renew as I mentioned, that the name is locked in the control panel, as names do get stolen, and lastly, that if it is a concern of yours, that you purchase privacy protection on it to protect your personal information.

Listing the name for sale after purchase:

This may seem counter intuitive, but after you make your purchase, consider putting your domain name for sale right away on a domain name broker site like YumDomains or Sedo at an enormous mark up. Even though you need the name for your business, you can list it so high that it will be worth selling it right away, and you can get a different name for your business. Always know your time outlook for your business to guide deciding such a decision, but you never know who may need your domain name so badly they are willing to pay literally ten times more than you would for it a result.

By Brad Hines

Domain Privacy   Domain Monitor - How to Catch an Expiring Domain   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   Tips for Choosing A Perfect Domain   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   

How to Use Expired Domain Names

There are many ways to earn money online, one interesting method is to purchase expired or dropped domain names that are either successful domains that did not renew their contracts or domains which carry similar addresses to high profit sites. When done judiciously, purchasing expired domain names can be quite profitable and well worth the investment price.

How domain name can get expired?

Domain names are essentially the URL addresses used to house online websites. The number of domains is virtually unlimited and many companies offer space on their servers for a low cost that will allow anyone with internet access the right to purchase one of the available names and start a website.

However, every day there are plenty of expired domain names that become available. Most of them from websites that either never got started or failed miserably, meaning that they are worth as much as purchasing one of the new domains. But on occasion there are successful sites that forget to pay their fees despite numerous warnings and lose their website back to the owners of the server who put it back up for sale. In these cases, purchasing a domain name can be quite profitable as the original owners of the website are likely to pay a hefty fee to get their website back rather than have to start over again.

Some ideas how to use expired domains

Finding expired domain names is a relatively simple process consisting of finding lists of available names. However, knowing which expired domains to purchase is another matter entirely. While the purchase price for most domains is pretty cheap, finding the expired one that you can either sell back to the previous owner or turn into a successful website yourself is another matter. That skill requires patience, a little luck and the confidence to know how you will use the domains once you have them.

For affiliate sites- if you were to build a good quality site that featured similar products or even products from the original that you are affiliated with, this can become a profit generating domain name. Used with care, expired domains can bring about a healthy profit and long term financial reward if used carefully.

Taking advantage of successful websites that generate a great deal of traffic. For example, let's take a fictional site called "" and you discover that there is an expired name "". Both names are very similar and the expired domain you purchased is only one letter off. Given the large amount of traffic for "" it's fairly easy to conclude that a portion of that traffic may find your website by mistake. You have several options here, but building a cheap rip-off type site will probably get you nowhere.

Overall, purchasing domain names for re-sale purposes can be a solid way to earn profit. Especially if you incorporate expired domains into the mix if they were formally successful websites or have similar names to highly profitable websites.

Domain Privacy   Domain Monitor - How to Catch an Expiring Domain   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   Tips for Choosing A Perfect Domain   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   

Domain Names for Sale By Providers - How You Can Save Time and Money

You have just put the finishing touches on the design of your website. You want to publish it as soon as possible but you have one problem. You are wracking your brain over the appropriate domain name to use. Deliberating on the name is not an unwise strategy. Why would you want to rush into making a decision on selecting domain names when you do need to be sure that the domain name you pick is appropriate? For those that have been unable to come up with a proper name for their website, there is an option open. It could be worth the effort to look at those domain names which are offered for sale through reliable and reputable providers.

Among the most obvious benefits to purchasing domains would be the fact you can browse a large selection of available names and pick the one that serves your needs the best. If the name is for sale, it is only available to those willing to purchase it. As such, it can still be considered a "taken" website name. If the name is already registered then you cannot use it unless you purchase it from a provider. This could exclude you from acquiring the perfect website name for your needs. However, if the price is a fair and reasonable one there is no reason why you should not take advantage of its availability and make a purchase.

How much should you be willing to spend on domains for sale? Truthfully, only you can answer that question. When the name of the site is something that you positively must have because it is perfect for your business then there is really no reason why you should not consider paying a premium price for it. There is one thing you can take solace in - you might not have to pay a premium price for it at all.

Certain providers offering domains for sale might even put the domain names up for bidding. This could prove to be a great way to acquire a deal if few people opt to bid on it. Then again, even if a number of bids are provided the possibility of acquiring a domain name at a fair price is possible.

And who is to say the perfect domain name for your needs won't be offered at a "rock bottom" price? You really never know. You might just get very lucky and acquire the perfect domain name for a price far less than you ever thought it would cost you.

No matter what you pay for the domains, you can take solace in the fact you did not need to invest a tremendous amount of time trying to come up with a unique domain name. Better yet, you can also feel positive about the fact you did not have to settle for a less than decent domain name because the one you wanted is taken.

Once you weigh all these attributes, you quickly realize that the availability of domains for sale by providers makes your online ventures much easier.

Domain Privacy   Domain Monitor - How to Catch an Expiring Domain   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   Tips for Choosing A Perfect Domain   

How to Choose a Quality Domain Name for Your Site

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Domain Search

To be located and identified on the internet, you need to have a domain name. There are 3 levels of domain names. The 1st levels are of 2 types which will have a generic domain name such as net, org and com. The 2nd consist of the country code and the 3rd level is the name for the user. You can purchase domain names.

You can start a domain name search on the internet by typing the name you would like to purchase on the home page of the domain name search. You can purchase more than 1 top level domain name. You will need to remember that domain name and the date of expiry so that you are not late in renewing the same.

The Name Domain Name Should Be Register Domain name registration is a must. If you fail to register the name at the right time you will lose out on the right domain name and will have to forgo the benefits that you could reap by registering a name. Selecting your right name is like selecting a great grand name. The rules for registration procedure are not many.

The first thing that you should note is that the name is the same as that of your business. This will help people who are in a business connection with you to reach you even if they don't know your real name. You can search on the generators and search engines to select a most favorable and appropriate name.

Where to Register Domain name registration can be done through service providers who are available on several websites. The terms and conditions, charges and the rules may differ a little from one service provider to the other. No doubt the charges will be reasonable. You should make sure that they provide you sufficient domain space needed for your business. Preferably go for a dynamic domain instead of a static one.

Once you have selected a domain name you will need to select the registrar with whom you intend to register the same. Carefully read the web hosting terms and conditions carefully for website registration. Take total control over the domain name after you have paid for the same and upload your web content as per your choice.

Domain Name Extensions Selecting a domain name extension should not be a problem. The registrar with whom you register your domain name will provide you with a list of domain name extensions such as .biz, .pro,.info, .net, .name, .in, .uk, .edu, .us, .org, .com and many more. You can select the one which will be the most appropriate for your business.

For education or informative based website you can select from .biz, .info, .edu. For a private website .name is more appropriate and those that end with 2 alphabets are country specific and follow spate set of rules and procedures. Once you have registered your domain name and the website registration is done you can upload the web content through internet technology on that virtual location.

Domain Privacy   Domain Monitor - How to Catch an Expiring Domain   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   Tips for Choosing A Perfect Domain   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   Finding a Short, Easy to Remember Domain Name - It's Possible!   

Best Domain Extensions For SEO

Your domain name will reflect on your business. It should give your audience an idea of what your business is about and what its purpose is. As you grow your business, you want to be sure that you're in control of the name. You'll want to secure by trademarking it. This will help you gain leverage and control over your brand name.

As you purchase your domain name, you may not be certain of what extensions you need to use. A domain that is top level is very crucial for a new business website. The niche extensions can assist you to find the right customer base.

You'll want to always go with However, some businesses are set in stone, and they may just now be looking for a domain for their business. Most likely, is already taken. This version of a domain name will usually draw more number of traffic is the default extension people are assuming.

This does not mean that if you don't have that people will not be able to find you. If you choose the best extensions you can end up getting as much or more number of traffic as with the automatic extension that people assume. You can still build up a great number of followers while working on getting in the future.

Popular Extensions

Some of the most popular extensions, .net, .org, .us, .co .uk. ,.uk., Let's look at some of these and what their purpose is. This will help you to determine what extensions would be appropriate for your business organization.

.com - This is the most popular one that people assume as default. It was created for commercial websites and has expanded to become more trendy for personal sites as well. .org - This extension is for nonprofit organizations such as charities and churches. .edu - An indicator of an educational institution. - This serves to determine a location, as in United Kingdom. Location domains can add character and personality to your business as your customers will instantly get a sense of where your business is located. This can be great for businesses that need to only advertise in a certain region or locality.

These are not all inclusive, and there are many more extensions that are being used and that need to be researched. Plus, every few months there will be new domain extensions available. In the recent past we've, .biz, .me, .co, .movi, .tv, .car, .hotel.

These domain names can give you the industry that the business is in, so you can have more creativity available in branding your business. For example, if you're running a car dealership, and your extension, you have a lot more freedom in branding, because the extension will indicate that your business is in the car industry.

It's recommended that you grab your niche domain, even if you do already have You really don't want anyone else branding content and messages that aren't yours on a niche domain name. So what is the best domain extension? Of is the undeniable first choice, is also creating quite a stir. You'll want to try to get at least, .com, .co and one in your business or industry niche. Be sure to direct them all to the same home page, and you will have peace of mind, knowing you're working with the best extensions possible.

Domain Privacy   Domain Monitor - How to Catch an Expiring Domain   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   Tips for Choosing A Perfect Domain   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   Finding a Short, Easy to Remember Domain Name - It's Possible!   

Purchasing the Best Domain Name for Your Website

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Discover How To Register A Domain Name

There are a few things to consider when registering a domain name. The first thing you want to do once you have decided what your website will be all about, is pick a domain name that is related to what you are selling or giving away or what information you are offering.

Try to include a "keyword" in your domain name if possible. Keywords are what people will search to find your website and if you can include one in your domain name based around your website, you already have a jump on a better listing and people being able to find your site.

Try to keep things simple, a name that is easy to remember. Also try and stay away from hyphenated names, again the goal is something people can easily remember. Think about the fact that someone may here about your site from a friend or article and may not have a chance to write it down. If it's something easy to remember chances are better that they will still be able to find it later.

Okay, let's say that you are going to be selling golf lesson videos, then your domain name could be or Remember you want that domain name that is going to let people know what your site is about or what you are offering. This is going to be your web identity so you certainly want to get it right and build your site around your identity.

Now if you have an idea for a domain name you can do a search on the net (there are dozens of search options for this) find a domain name search and type in the name you have picked out. It will tell you if it is available or not. Now also keep in mind that you may not be able to find the exact name that you have picked out since it may already be taken. There are already so many names out there you might have to settle for something close or just a little different from what you originally came up with. However when you do a search it will recommend similar names that you can choose from.

Now when you do a search for your domain name it may also say that (example) is already registered to someone else but is available. And you may choose to go that route but I would suggest staying with a ".com" name even if you have to use something slightly different from what you wanted. After all we all know by now that ".com" is that most recognized on the web today.

Can you host your domain name with one company and actually host your website with a different provider? Yes you absolutely can and in some cases I have done this myself. However if you are just starting out I recommend hosting both your domain name and website with the same hosting provider. Simply because it will be a lot easier at first for you to have everything together.

Finally lets talk about domain name servers or (DNS) numbers. This is how the hosting companies make your website live on the world-wide web. You have to have your domain name pointing at their servers in order for your website to be live. This is why as I mentioned earlier I recommend hosting both your domain name and website together. It is a lot easier to set up for you especially when you are just getting up and running.

I had some issues a while back when I shifted gears at the start of a couple projects. Since I had a few different domain names and tried to switch domain names and sites around it got a bit confusing! So again I believe it is easier to keep things together! By all means try to stay as organized as possible! Make sure you are keeping track of user names, passwords and all important information pertaining to your accounts. Write everything down or keep separate files for your account information.

Domain Privacy   Domain Monitor - How to Catch an Expiring Domain   Do You Really Need a Dot Com (.com) Domain Name? Maybe Not!   Tips for Choosing A Perfect Domain   The Domaining Home Business Model for Entrepreneurs   Finding a Short, Easy to Remember Domain Name - It's Possible!   

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